Kieran turns 3 months today... he's been in this world for a 1/4 of a year already! He has changed so much in that short amount of time... he's now 14.5 pounds and 24.25 inches tall! He smiles, bats and grabs at things, turns towards his mommy and daddy's voices, sits up in his exersaucer and so many other things that he couldn't do when he arrived in this world- on this day at 3 am, three months ago! Yesterday we heard his first belly laugh but of course didn't get to the camera in time to record it! It was a beautiful sound... brought on not by his mommy or daddy's antics but rather by the shibas rough housing while he sat and observed from his exersaucer! We will be sure to post his first little laughs as soon as we capture them- they are just so sweet ( :
Happy birthday my sweet little boy!