Saturday, September 5, 2009

First taste of pears!

Love those funny faces! Mmmm pears!

Peek-a-boo... highchair style

Kieran and mommy enjoyed some quality peek-a-boo time at dinner the other night... meals are always a good time when you play a little too!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy 25 week birthday!

Kieran is 25 weeks old today! Let's see... what's new in baby-town??? Kieran is doing well with his baby foods still. This week we added oatmeal to the mix and after an initial reluctance, Kiearn seems to really be enjoying his new cereal. His little bottom tooth has made progress since it first reared it's pearly white head but still we can't get a good picture. We bought Kieran his first tooth-brush this week- it's called a banana brush and he seems to be enjoying it's rubbery texture on his gums. Daycare is going well too. He is taking great naps for Sheila and they have been going out on walks this week as the weather has been so beautiful. Mommy and daddy are looking forward to a three day weekend for the Labor day holiday with our little man. Happy birthday big boy!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Making baby food...

I tried my hand at making baby food this weekend. I started off simple with sweet potatoes, green peas and pears. The potatoes and pears were fresh and had to be cut up and steamed first. The peas were frozen and just had to be heated. I used my super cool new food processor to do the pureeing and was pretty happy with the consistency. Finally, I froze everything in ice cube trays and then transferred the cubes to plastic freezer bags for later use. This makes for ~1 oz. servings which is perfect for Kieran right now. All in all... a successful first attempt!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Introducing sweet potatoes!

Kieran had his first taste of sweet potatoes today along with his rice cereal. I think they were a success as he ate over an ounce and opened his mouth for more, more, more! In the end I just mixed it all together- made the consistency even smoother and went down just as well!

Introducing the sippy cup!

Kieran experimented with his first sippy-cup this afternoon and seemed to enjoy it- if for no other reason than it was yet another object he could put in his mouth! We are not so sure he get's the "drinking" concept just yet but it's a step in the right direction!