Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 2015

Emerald is quite the international, culinary connoisseur... she eat's Chinese, Indian, Mediterranean, Mexican , Thai, Italian and of course Americana :)

At the local Indian place :)
Kieran "shaving" like dad in the tub :)

Hmmm... is it a light saber or a witches' broom? ;)

Hanging out with Ms. Amanda and Carter.

So smart wearing daddy's glasses :)

Getting the Valentine's day spirit frosting hear cookies  with his cousins in Nana's kitchen.

The muscles help frost ;)

Sweet little cowgirl ;)

Hanging out with cousin Presley.

Reading books with his Leap Frog pen in his room. 

Making a Giacometti style sculpture in mom's art room.

Enjoying some unseasonably warm weather at Runge.

Climbing tree stumps :)

Swinging at Memorial park.

She kept a close eye on big brother the entire time :)

Happy nine month birthday baby girl!

So, so sweet.

"Hello out there world"

Captain Emerald and her fearless sidekick Koshka survey the yard :)

Hanging at Target and riding in the cart like a big kid!


Emerald's first snow! It didn't last long- but it was pretty :)

She seemed to enjoy it :)

Kieran loved seeing the Jefferson City High School's production of Beauty and the Beast!

I am constantly amazed at how he has grown- he is reading and writing better and better every day :)

Building a foam xmas house with daddy.

Happy 8 month birthday sweetheart!

I swear, Emerald is the happiest, smiliest, sweetest baby ever!

Still smiling- even through a three hour wait at urgent care with a double ear infection.

Silly times with daddy on the bed.

Building a gingerbread house for a class Christmas party :)

Silly, silly boy :)

"Choosing out" the Christmas tree :)
Decorating the tree while watching Emmett Otter's Jugband Family Christmas :)

Mmmm! Mangoes and egg!

So cool ;)

Practicing for his holiday performance on PJ day in the music room.

Singing carols at a local bank with his kindergarten class.

Ms. Stow directs her smiling kiddos :)

Checking out the front yard.

New house shoes from nana Jo :)


An Emerald craft she made with Katelyn.

Love these tiny little fingers :)

Kieran and mommy made big gingerbread house!

Soooo big!

Emerald loves her "pink" medicine ;)

A little pre-Christmas fun with the Leslie family at Tiger Bounce!

So, so precious :)

They have a great baby play space too :)

Emerald's first visit with Santa :)

Kieran's first letter to Santa :)

Nene Orange went with us to visit Santa- gotta love Bass Pro at Christmas!

Kieran's favorite activity- archery!

Looking at pictures waiting for our lunch at a Mexican place :)

Christmas morning has arrived!

Checking out a package :)

Rock em Sock em Robots!! This year's Santa gift!
Playing Rock em Sock em with dad while Emerald checks out some wrapping paper.

One cool ninja ;)

It was a musical sort of Christmas- a piano, a recorder, a triangle and a guitar!

Gotta work on that form a little bit ;)

Mom thinks she's a rock star ;)
Not impressed with his sweater gift from mom ;)

We love this Santa!

A sweet card Kieran made for Emerald and put in her stocking :)

Christmas at Sandy's :)

Cutest little Santa baby ever!


A favorite toy- Big Hero 6!

Maxin' and relaxin' on the sofa :)

Emerald in her new "bibs" from Auntie Joyce and Uncle Furcin.

Saying "hi" to the dogs :)

A little Star Wars time :)

"Get mom!"

Silly baby ;)

Getting his third stripe- yellow belt- here he comes!

Messy, sweet little girl :)