Here are a few pictures, in addition to the weekly owl-pal shot from this past month- thanks to Grandma Sandy's camera! Kieran is a whole lot bigger than owl now- and although he's not standing just yet, but it's coming for sure!
Thank you to everyone for their concern and support during this past couple of weeks- they have been rough but it's been a lot easier to get through because of all that you have done to help us.
We will be getting our security system in place very soon as well as a new door and we are looking for our replacement electronics this weekend. Thank you to grandma Sandy, grandma and grandpa D, Aunt Joyce and Uncle Furcin and great-grandma Brey and Gene for their generous support- it is much appreciated :)
We hope everything is well with all of you out there and hope to see you soon during the upcoming holidays.
Take care and lots of love!