Kieran and his pal Koshie watching The Polar Express and possibly sharing a treat. |
A boy and his dog- so sweet (as long as Koshie is in a good mood ;) |
Kieran spent a considerable amount of his time over the holiday weekend playing trains- of course ;) |
"Drop it Koshi!" |
Kieran in his red, white and blue for the July 4th holiday at my folks house watching Finding Nemo- a new favorite movie. |
Presley showing her American spirit whilst eating a yummy meal curtsey of nana :) |
Kieran loved waving the flags around and carried one off and on most of the night. |
The kids and Elmie "playing" the piano- Presley also sang for us ;) |
Kieran thought Elmie should play too ;) |
After dinner, lots of playing and far too much ice cream cake, the kids had a bath, got into their PJs and headed outside for some early fireworks. Here's KP rolling in the rocks... |
Pouring rocks wearing his hat in his monster jammies... |
Watching Papa light fireworks and RUN! |
"Whoa!! That was a big one!" I LOVE the kids expressions in this and the fact that they have obviously lost track of the rocket ;) |