Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kieran and Koshka

Kieran and his pal Koshie watching The Polar Express and possibly sharing a treat.

A boy and his dog- so sweet (as long as Koshie is in a good mood ;)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July! (plus some train time)

Kieran spent a considerable amount of his time over the holiday weekend playing trains- of course ;)

He's been yelling "ALL DBOARD!" recently as he plays trains and then just randomly whilst eating or riding int he car... he has the inflection perfect but the pronunciation isn't quite there yet- however I kinda' like the way he says it!

Play time with the Shibas. He calls Koshka "Koshi" and "Kosher" he also calls Neko these same names. However, today, he started calling Neko "Niki". He loves to boss them around and play ball and "lazier light" with his Buzz light year toy which the dogs LOVE to chase around the house.

"Drop it Koshi!"

Kieran in his red, white and blue for the July 4th holiday at my folks house watching Finding Nemo- a new favorite movie.

Presley showing her American spirit whilst eating a yummy meal curtsey of nana :)

Kieran loved waving the flags around and carried one off and on most of the night.

Kieran with Elmer/ "Elmie" the somewhat creepy puppet my dad brought back from a trip to Bennett Springs. Presley is a little scared of the doll (as she should be) but Kieran LOVES Elmie as you can see here as they push the shopping cart together.

The kids and Elmie "playing" the piano- Presley also sang for us ;)

Kieran thought Elmie should play too ;)

After dinner, lots of playing and far too much ice cream cake, the kids had a bath, got into their PJs and headed outside for some early fireworks. Here's KP rolling in the rocks...

Pouring rocks wearing his hat in his monster jammies...

Watching Papa light fireworks and RUN!

"Whoa!! That was a big one!" I LOVE the kids expressions in this and the fact that they have obviously lost track of the rocket ;)