Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pool time with Presley

An evening at Little Mates Cove with cousin Presley!

The kids had a great time splashing around in the shallow waters of Pirates Landing at the Twin Lakes' Park during Little Swimmers' hour tonight!

Daddy got in on the action quite a bit too ;)

Kieran loves all the pouring waterfalls and splashing fountains!

Presley even braved a few slides!

Soooo cute in her new suit and pink sun glasses!

It was hard to get decent shots of the two of them together as they were always on the move!

I love when she walks with her hand on her hip ;)

Sliding together.

Splashing with daddy in the "water jail"!

Sitting still for a brief moment...

Kieran strikes a M.J. pose ;)

Driving Presley and Auntie Shannon to their car on the other side of the lot... love the expressions in this one!

The kids were famished and thirsty by the time we got to Fazolie's for "sgetti-o's"

Balancing the table numbers... funny kids ;)

"Mmmm! Breadsticks!"

Kieran loves his "sgetti'-o's"!

A prompted, messy kiss...

Love the post-kiss expressions ;)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A big-boy nap...

Knock on wood... Kieran put himself down for a nap today. I read with him and then told him he had to rest in his room, by himself, for an hour. I gave him two choices, read books quietly on his bed or lay down and close his eyes and sleep. After a bit of knocking at the door and playing games, he must have settled into the idea of resting or was just plain tired... in any case, this is how I found him after an hour had passed... so sweet! No if only we can get a repeat performance for bedtime tonight ;)

Happy belated Father's Day!

Father's day card made at KIM school... came complete with a gift card for a free ice cream from Central Dairy... mmmm!

The gift Kieran and I made Rick for father's day made from pages of the first comic Rick and Kieran ever shared... that's some super kid and Rick is our hero :)


We had Camden and Edith over a few days ago while their parents were at doctor appointments. The boys had a great time in the pool and sandbox...

Pouring, dumping and basically making a huge mess!

Soooo strong!

Team work :)

After an early dinner, Edith got in on the action...

I think this might be how she ended up completely soaking wet ;)

After the kids dried off and put on clean clothes, they all watched a little t.v. and zoned out for a bit before mom and dad came by to pick them up :)

Our sweetie at soccer practice this morning :)

After soccer today, Kieran hosted a play date with Reece, Livy, Aidan, Nate and Jack... lots of kids and lots of fun! (Especially after Kieran had some time to adjust to sharing his toys and space with so many children!)

Kieran gives Reece a "lesson" on a bat-rocket ;)