Kieran chose this look for play time on the deck- note the Thomas undies and sock-gloves- Rick thought he was looking rather "super"! |
A favorite treat this summer- frozen yogurt pouches- mmmm and surprisingly a lot more tidy than a traditional Popsicle! |
Fridays this summer the Flipz gymnasium is open a couple hours in the morning for free play for the toddler set. Kieran and I met Julie and her boys for an impromptu play-date. Kieran really liked the place and who wouldn't?! They have mats galore, balls of all sizes, multiple trampolines and a HUGE bouncy pit filled with foam cubes- what could be better?! |
Kieran in the "cube pit"! |
Julie, Jacob and Evan hanging out in a wheel mat. |
All the boys together and still- this didn't happen again ;) |
I took Kieran to the Parks and Rec Family Fun Fest at Flat Branch Park. Although he wasn't all that interested in the activities they had (probably for older kids really) he did LOVE the "tunnel" and creek. |
He spent at least half an hour running up and down the creek throwing in leaves and rocks and yelling "TUNNEL!" Here Kieran takes a break to gaze thoughtfully into the creek- looks as though he might break into song Disney style at any moment- don't you think?
One activity Kieran was interested in was a chance to explore a firetruck- very cool! He kept yelling in his deep, serious voice, "Stop the breaks!" |
Checking out stuff on the firetruck |
Even though it was getting late and past Kieran's bedtime, we were both hungry so we had a little dinner at the new International Cafe- we split the vegi dinner and Kieran seemed to really like the feta, humus and spanokopitas- a boy after my own heart ;) |
Mmmm- filo due stuffed with cheese is sooooo good! |
Of course since the best ice cream place in town is right across the street from International cafe, we couldn't help ourselves :) Kieran had a cake batter cone and pet Sparky while he ate! |
Kieran with his ice cream face- so sweet :) |
We took a rest on the benches and planter at the corner of Broadway and 9th- Kieran seemed to really like sitting not near the planter- but actually in it! |
A truly mischievous face! |
"Who- me?" |
So far our summer has been great. We have traveled a little and spent a lot of time together enjoying the beautiful weather. Kieran loves his new "swimmy-swim"- that's swimming pool for those of you who don't speak toddlerese- although he mostly just gets in and out of it and pours water all over the deck and his toys. He is enjoying the newly fenced yard as are the dogs. Yesterday he helped me pick rocks out of the ground- I had to explain that rocks are typically grey or white and hard- rather then the softish brown ones he had been finding- ewww! Darned dogs!
We have spent some time at the Arc for the Little Swimmer's hour and after multiple trips Kieran is finally warming up to the "big pool" again. We did hit a little bump in the road yesterday though when Kieran decided he was ready to go down the slide in the kiddie section of the pool. He wanted to go it alone and I was glad since the slide, although short, is a tube and I wasn't too sure I would fit. So I let him go- thought what's the worse that can happen- the water is less than three feet deep and we had been playing in it for the past half hour? Well- apparently Kieran has no sense of self preservation because when he went down the slide he landed, rolled over and then just floated belly down and my panic set it. I tried to go back down the stair but there were children blocking the way so that was it- I had to find out if I fit down the slide because Kieran was still just floating there- face down. Turns out I do fit in the toddler tube- thankfully! I grabbed him and he coughed up some water and his lips were a disturbing shade of blue- but otherwise he was fine. He told me, "I scared mommy" and with that we packed up, dried off and drove straight to McDonalds for a guilt-soothing Happy Meal which we had to eat in the Shelter Gardens since Mommy was still in her swimming attire ;)
On another note, napping has been a struggle ever since we took Kieran out of daycare. I guess he slept hours every day for Tori but for me- nothing- not even a five minute power nap- unless of course we are in the car. Followingthe advice of friends and of course the all knowing internet, I put him is room, read him some books, took out all toys and other distractions, laid him on his bed (the same one he sleeps 12 hours on at night) and left the room. He usually will fuss and maybe bang on the door at first but then he just plays and talks to himself the ENTIRE time- no laying down to rest no getting so bored he fell asleep- no real rest at all. Three weeks into our summer and this no napping thing has become a major headache. Yesterday, Rick was home early because he only is teaching classes for the morning this week, and he said he'd try- "good luck!" I hear a lot of crying and protesting and go out on the deck for some peace and quiet with my new Nook and not five minutes later Rick joins me- solo- sans Kieran. Turns out the trick to getting this wild boy to nap is to force him to stay in his bed and eventually he tires out and sleeps. Wow- father of the year as far as I am concerned! Of course that has only worked for one day and we still have a lot of summer left- but from here on out Rick is on nap duty!