Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fun with Kieran

I got a paint-with-water book today from my school (give-away) and let Kieran give it a go... he really seemed to enjoy it and "painted" four different Toy Story pictures. I was really impressed when he pointed to the title and said, "Toy Story!" as if he were actually reading the words!

Gotta love an art project that requires virtually no clean up :)

I was also very impressed with his grip- although he also had the fist-grip, he did demonstrate a pretty sophisticated hold of his brush- way to go little artist!

This is a project Kieran made at Runge this past weekend. They were having a Woodpecker extravaganza that included demonstrations on calls, stuffed specimen, and lots of hands on activities. He also made a suet (bird) cake that we gave to my folks.
In  other Kieran news, he has been talking up a storm and saying some pretty funny stuff... here are a couple gems that come to minde:
Rick likes to call KP his little "baby burrito" after bath, when he is all wrapped up in his towel. Last  night, Kieran said to Rick, "daddy's a taco"!
While reading an animal book Kieran saw an elephant with her baby and then noticed the near by zebra didn't have a baby, he said that the zebra needed to "go to the baby store and get a baby, a small baby." I love the way his little brain works- so sweet and yet perfectly logical ;)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

2011 visit with Santa!

We made what has become our annual trip to Bass Pro to visit Santa. Luckily we got there early this year and didn't have to wait long to meet with St. Nick.

We prepped Kieran on his conversation with Santa- "what are you going to tell Santa you want?" "A horsey!"

This is the first year Kieran was okay to sit with Santa by himself- he did great!

And sure enough- he told Santa he wanted a horsey for Christmas- and then pointed to some trains he saw that he would like to have too ;)

After our visit with Mr. Kringle, we played with some of the fun toys set out in the "wonderland". Kieran really liked driving the remote truck and race cars.

Kieran with his pink gun- it was a little too big still this year!

Watching the race cars!

Forgotten Thanksgiving pics

Kieran playing cars with his cousin Braydon.

Kieran, Jaron and Braydon hamming it up for the camera!

Look at those cheesy smiles!

Doing dishes post feast.

Kieran enjoying one of Nene oranges yummy cupcakes... mmmm!

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Uncle Zack and Nene Orange watch as Kieran demolishes his cupcake!

Kieran with Auntie Joyce- such a funny face!
After I posted Kieran's pics from his KIM school feast, I must have thought I was done with Thanksgiving! Today I found a bunch of photos from Sandy's Thanksgiving that I wanted to share... so here they are, a little bit late!