I got a paint-with-water book today from my school (give-away) and let Kieran give it a go... he really seemed to enjoy it and "painted" four different Toy Story pictures. I was really impressed when he pointed to the title and said, "Toy Story!" as if he were actually reading the words! |
Gotta love an art project that requires virtually no clean up :) |
I was also very impressed with his grip- although he also had the fist-grip, he did demonstrate a pretty sophisticated hold of his brush- way to go little artist! |
This is a project Kieran made at Runge this past weekend. They were having a Woodpecker extravaganza that included demonstrations on calls, stuffed specimen, and lots of hands on activities. He also made a suet (bird) cake that we gave to my folks. |
In other Kieran news, he has been talking up a storm and saying some pretty funny stuff... here are a couple gems that come to minde:
Rick likes to call KP his little "baby burrito" after bath, when he is all wrapped up in his towel. Last night, Kieran said to Rick,
"daddy's a taco"!
While reading an animal book Kieran saw an elephant with her baby and then noticed the near by zebra didn't have a baby, he said that the zebra needed to
"go to the baby store and get a baby, a small baby." I love the way his little brain works- so sweet and yet perfectly logical ;)