In an attempt to break the monotony at home (and get out of the house so daddy can recover from his stomach bug) I took Kieran to my school today. After stripping him down to a disposable diaper, I let him go to town on some finger paint and then play with sand. As you can imagine he created quite a mess and ended up being cleaned up in the sink! He had a lot of fun though and so did mommy- we saved his first painting to frame and display in his nursery. KP also explored the library and played with some balls in Mr. Nolke's gym- all-in-all a very fun way to spend a morning.
On another note, I am very proud to announce that I have been putting KP to sleep in his crib this past week too. For the past month or so, Rick has been putting Kieran down for naps and bedtime in his crib and staying with him over night in an attempt to get him out of our bed and night wean. It has been a very successful campaign- as KP is sleeping through most nights and often goes to sleep without crying or fussing. I have finally gotten in the game now that Kieran is used to going down in his crib. The first night I tried was rough- he cried a lot, reaching out for me from his crib and crying "mama, mama, MAMA!!" but I stayed strong and read to him from Charlotte's Web (great suggestion Jenny) until he finally fell asleep. The next night was about the same- maybe a little less crying but I read on. Last night and the past two naps, I have put Kieran down by first nursing him in our glider, then holding him on my lap and reading Good Night Moon twice, putting him in his crib, saying "nite-nite, mommy loves you" and reading Charlotte's Web from the glider while he slowly drifted off sans any crying or fussing!!!! YAY MOMMY and YAY BIG BOY!!! It is such a relief and a pleasure to put Kieran down in his own bed and read him off to dream land without any big crying sessions and knowing that he will sleep soundly either for a good nap or all night long. Now to get the crib out of our bedroom and into the nursery... baby steps mom, baby steps ;)