Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our little peanut...

When we went in for our first appointment, I sort of by chance already had a regular OB appointment made with Dr. Su but when I found out I was pregnant, I called to ask what we should do and they told me to just go ahead and come in. Instead of the usual pap, I took yet another pregnancy test, turns out fancy Dr. pee-sticks are the exact same thing that can be purchased at Walgreens, only they cost 100 times more!
To my delight, Dr. Su went ahead and did an early ultrasound, just to see what was going on in there. Low and behold, there really was something growing inside me! All that was visible at that point was a tiny little sack with what could be assumed were the makings of a baby. It didn't look like much, but still it was terribly exciting to see!

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