Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm a flip-floper mom!

So... I quit! I usually don't say those words- persistence should have been my middle name. However, with this whole baby thing, I can't seem to stick to my guns at all! After two days of the CIO method- both on Kieran's part and mine, I have decided it's not for us. So now I'm back to co-sleeping and boobie soothing. However, we have decided to completely nix the swing and car seat for sleeping- they had to go for sure. And we are still working on getting Kieran to spend some time sleeping in his crib in preparation for daycare in a few weeks. But otherwise I am giving up on the CIO stuff because it was just too traumatic- for both us. Thanks, BTW, to auntie Erin for talking me through my emotional melt-down yesterday and thanks also to aunties Julie and Julie for their support and advice. Kieran and I are both very lucky to have such wonderful ladies in our lives :)

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