Kieran is 40 weeks old today! He's looking more and more like a little boy and less and less like a baby. This is bitter sweet for mommy as she loves to watch him grow but she also misses all that has passed that will never be again...
Kieran is crawling really well now and is also pulling up. In fact, he tries to stand up all the time with or without the assistance of a table or hands- thus the butt in the air all the time. Of course since his head is in the 75% this makes balance a little difficult... but he'll get there eventually ;)
KP is eating a wider variety of foods these days, ever since mommy took him in for his 9 month well baby and discovered that he isn't supposed to be eating a completely pured diet of nothing but a few fruits and vegies... turns out his food should be chunky and he should be eating most all the things grown ups eat- like dairy and other types of protein and more finger foods. So this week Kieran has tried clementine oranges (in his nummy pouch), yogurt and cheese- all of which he really likes- after an initial hesitation. Mommy has also been chopping up his food rather than spinning it into a pureed oblivion- so quite a bit more texture and thus more work on Kieran's part but he's been handling it like a champ! In fact, Kieran has discovered that his "helper" spoon can be used to feed him and not just to beat on the high chair and throw on the floor, which daddy has captured on video ;)
All in all it has been a busy week for Kieran. We are all very excited about the up coming holiday break and nearly two weeks to spend with our little man... can't wait!
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