Running a little behind this week with the blog and never did get owl-pal in on the photo shoot action either... however we did manage to get some cute bath pics and a couple shots of Kieran is his too cute super-baby-sleeper ;)
Kieran is getting bigger and bigger- he's now wearing 12-24 month clothes and weighs 22+ pounds! Big boy! He is eating like a champ- feeding him self better and better every day both with his fingers and his helper spoon. He has also figured out his sippy cup and straw cup.
This week Kieran is finally able to get his little hands to connect so that all his frantic hand waving is paying off in the form of clapping- makes patty-cake all the more fun! I also think I have caught KP trying to blow kisses when we are driving home in the evenings- quite adorable. Kieran is also getting pretty good at rolling a ball back and forth and loves to play with paper bags and plastic containers. He still hasn't said much recognizable outside of "mama" and "mom" but we keep on practicing!
Another new but not so wonderful development is that Kieran has not been naping for Sheila any more at daycare- great. In fact, she has gotten so desperate to get the little fuss-in-stuff to sleep that she has resorted to laying down with him! A truly dedicated babysitter- but we really don't expect her to continue do give up what little "free" time she has... hopefully he will get it together in the coming week or two as we all get used to the work-day schedule again.
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