Sunday, March 14, 2010

The first birthday party!

What a wonderful day!!!

Thank you so much to our wonderful families for their generosity, time and love today!

Kieran's first birthday was a smashing success and a good time was had by all! From the spider cake to the fun gifts to the Kieran slide show to our great company and delicious food... everything was perfect!

No major meltdowns from either of the babies (or mommy!), plenty to eat, the cake turned out great, everyone made it and most importantly Kieran seemed to have a wonderful time!

One of the best parts was watching Kieran demolish his first cupcake... I am not sure if he got much in his mouth but he sure did have a fun time playing with it and making a great big mess! Hopefully the blue frosting will come off his cute Itsy Bitsy Spider shirt Grandma Sandy had embroidered for him- we want to wear it again!

As you can see, KP had so much fun he passed out cold on the way home... mommy stopped mid-way through unlatching him to snap a quick photo of our sleepy little one-year-old tuckered out in his car seat... soooo tired!

Happy first birthday little one, we all love you very, very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a blast! The cake turned out awesome! I love the colors! Glad the first birthday was a great success :) See you soon, Julia