Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy 52 Weeks!!!

We made it! 52 weeks worth of blog entries (with a few exceptions) of the first year with Kieran! Tomorrow he will be a year old. Unbelivible!

The photos of Kieran in the yellow space man shirt were taken yesterday at Grandma/Grandpa's house because Sheila was sick so he got to spend some quality time with nana and papa. They took a long walk in the park, drove down to Hartsburg and enjoyed the unseasonably warm March weather. Kieran really loved sitting at the grown up table with grandpa and playing in his highchair fort! He didn't nap too much for them but that's only because he was having way too much fun to sleep!

The top two photos (plus the first week photo- thrown in for comparison) mark the end of the weekly owl-pal photo shoots. Of course we will still keep up with the blog but from here on out posts will be made on his month birthday and then randomly as fun things occur- which is quite often with Kieran so stay tuned... there is so much more to come!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Happy 1st Birthday, Kieran! I love the comparison pics with the owl! That's so cool to see how much he's grown in one year. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend of birthday celebrations!

P.S. I can't wait to see the pics of the spider cake! :-)