Thursday, March 25, 2010

This and that...

There are a few changes going on in Kieran's life right now or coming up so I thought I would share.

First off, on the language front... our PAT Alla visited last night and wants us to keep track of Kieran's vocabulary so here goes...
Dog, kitty cat, hello, thank you, mama, dada, baba, car, choo-choo, mmmm (a stretch but he uses it when he's eating so I think it counts!)
So far I think that's it. Of course none of these words sound very clear but he says them none the less. We don't hear baba, car or choo-choo very often but he can say them. We are going to work on parts of the body, simple every day objects and animals this month and see what we can accomplish. KP for sure understands a lot more than he can say, which is so cool that he knows what we are telling him some of the times now and can respond.

Moving on to well... moving on! Kieran stood up unassisted Tuesday night, twice. We were standing around watching the baby (a favorite past time) and suddenly, without warning or provocation, Kieran just stood up without holding on to anything! He held it for mere moments but all the same, he did it! It's like some light went off in his giant baby head and suddenly realized that he could stand on two legs, just like all the big people in his life. He is also crusing a lot more now and crawls less and less to get places. I think we will be seeing walking within the next month or so... will keep you posted!

Now on to how Kieran spends his days... I had mentioned in an earlier post that KP had friends at Sheila's- well that didn't last long as they have transferred to a different daycare so Kieran is on his own again and I think he is just fine with that! Sadly though, we were informed this week that our beloved Sheila is retiring and will not be caring for Kieran next year... uh oh... now what?! Back to the childcare trenches trying to sleuth out the best possible fit for our little man.

So we are stuck again between center and home. I am sooooo glad we went with an in-home for Kieran's first year- he was barely sick and he had so much one on one love and nurturing. Ideally, we would have liked to have kept him with Sheila for another year (sigh). But I am not sure we want to go with a new in home now that he is becoming more interactive and mobile, he might like having friends around and more structure... so that leads me to think a center may be in our future. But then I still worry about the germs and the sleeping situation... We are really interested in a local Montessori school here but they don't accept children before they are 2 1/2 so that's not an option this year. We will keep you up-to-date on what we decide and if anyone has good references or suggestions we would love to hear about them!

That was a rather long post... lot's going on in the life of Kieran Rother. Spring break is coming up so we will be out and about more with the little man- look for lots of undoubtedly adorable pics to come! BTW- the pics in this post were taken at nana/papa's house- Kieran is enjoying one of his new blocks- he just loves to stack!

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