Saturday, July 30, 2011

Boone County Fair 2011

With the drop in the temps (low 80's from nearly 100*) we decided to try our luck at the county fair this year. Although Kieran enjoyed the petting zoo and a snowcone the fair just didn't seem that great this go around. Not a lot of rides for little ones and not that much going on really. On the plus side, there weren't very many folks out and the weather was down right pleasant :) The animals were a big hit and Kieran really enjoyed feeding the goats. There really wasn't a ride, other than the carousel, that Kieran wasn't too small for or I wasn't too big to ride so we opted for a couple passes on the oldest, most junky looking carousel I think I have ever seen. Kieren didn't seem to mind the looks of it and liked that fact that it went pretty darned fast! He liked his cherry snowcone but didn't like having to have help with it. One unexpected interest was a strange, roaming, mechanical, puppet-machine that Kieran liked talking with- I think it reminded him of Elmie ;)
Feeding the "cows"

"One more snack!" This means he wants us to buy another $1 cup of goat kibble ;)

None of us were to sure about this camel...

Getting goat feeding tips from dad

Riding and sort of enjoying the carousel that time forgot...

The snowcone pre frustration melt down ;)

The roaming mechanical puppet- as you can see Kieran is interested but just not sure yet

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