Monday, July 23, 2012

Late July 2012

Kieran and Rick spent some time at Runge earlier this week... it's a great place to run around and be near nature without actually being out in this terrible heat.

"I spy, with my little eye..."

Birders in action ;)

Pop goes the Kieran!

Preparing for an art project at Runge... so attentive ;)

What a doll!

I took Kieran to Jeff City today to run some errands and we stopped by Chim's for some lunch. We split an order of shrimp Pad Thai... here Kieran is showing off his fairly impressive chop-stick sills ;)

Getting full...

Kieran has decided (as of yesterday) that Tobby the Tram is his new favorite Thomas character so we picked one up at Down Town Book and Toy before lunch :)

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