Sunday, January 6, 2013

The end of 2012!

 This post is a bit late in coming... no good excuse other than we have been so busy having fun and enjoying the holiday festivities I just never got around to editing and uploading all the new pictures! We spent a lovely Christmas and New Year with Kieran and our families... here are some photos of various gatherings and events...
Helping Nana and Papa bake some peanut butter blossom cookies... I think he ate about half the Kisses he unwrapped ;)
"Mmmmm... chocolate!!"

"All done... now what?!"

"Eat them, Papa!!"

Kieran, the Transformers and Daddy decorate this year's tree...

Mommy gets in on the tree-action ;)

A new favorite ornament... a light-up Ironman!

"The star goes on top, Daddy!"

One tired little boy...

So, so sweet :)

Winter break fun with Camden at the new Ashland Library...

"Look at this!"

Best friends :)

Fun in the snow on Mizzou's quad with a friend's daughter...

Keeping up with the big girl!

Love his expression in this picture ;)

A pre-Christmas haircut with Aunty Shannon ;)

Christmas eve party with the St. Charles Rother crew! Kieran was very excited to discover a couple gifts for him under the tree too... thank you to Aunt Janice and Ellen! We all had so much fun spending time with Rick's family :)

Kieran with his great-grandmother... "What could it be?"

A picture of Kieran, of course ;)

Another gift for Kieran... remote-control ATV complete with hunter and deer... a favorite gift this year!

Kieran with one of his second cousins- Miles... he had so much fun playing with all the Rother kiddos and asks about seeing them again all the time!
Christmas morning at home... the shibas were pretty excited about all the boxes and paper ;)

Rick playing Santa at my folks house Christmas morning... so chipper! 

Shannon was pretty excited about her Miko Barbie Doll... even grown-ups love toys for Christmas ;)
I made a few gifts this year.... this is a set of Paris prints for Presley's bedroom. 

A mixed-media for mom (personalized paper dolls of my mom, her sister and her mother)

A mixed media mandala for Sandy.

"I got this for you Presley!" Kieran was very excited for his cousin to open the My Little Pony Train set he picked out for her!

The HUGE castle from Santa... this has been another favorite Christmas gift... thanks Nana  and Papa (I mean Santa ;)!

Love the expressions here... not sure who was more excited about Kieran's Rainbow Brite doll... him or Auntie Shannon ;)

Kieran explaining a new toy to his Papa

Kieran in his Ninja Turtle hat, thanks Auntie Shannon!

Mommy gets some new jewelry :)

Trying out a sweater from Auntie Shannon...

Papa with his Elvis gift-set :)

Presley with her new baby doll- so excited!

The kiddos with their stockings in their "fancy" Christmas attire ;)

Auntie Shannon and Cousin Presley

Christmas festivities at Nene Orange's house... here Kieran is playing with yet another favorite toy- a  Rescue Bot! Thanks Nene Orange (I mean Santa ;)!

"Mmmmm.... frosting!"

Kieran and his lovely Cousin Livy (and snow-Batman ;)

Uncle Zack and Kirean... driving each other crazy!
Christmas sparklers on the deck...

The kids were so excited to try these out, that is until they were actually lit... they decided to observe from a safe distance ;)

A perfect winter-break snow... heavy and wet... great for snowmen and snowballs!

Kieran was very proud of our snowman, complete with "magic" hat ;)

Shoveling the grass... I don't think he quite gets this winter activity ;)

In lieu of sledding, Kieran opted for riding his tricycle and pushing his car around... which meant mommy had to shovel a LOT of sidewalk ;)
A KIMS snowman made the first week back to school in 2013!

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