Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy Birthday 4 Year Old Boy!

The birthday boy in his "transformer-robot" mask :)
Kieran checks his mask out in the mirror- pretty cool work!
Kieran and Camden battle it out with balloons!

Us and the happy soon-to-be-newly weds ;)

Mom and me ;)

The craft/train table... masks in progress...
Daddy holding the pull-string- pinata'...

Kieran decides to expedite the process... in other words, he cheats!

Down falls all the candy! The children didn't seem to mind missing their turn too much, since they got to the candy sooner!
The candy scramble!

Gathering the loot...

Sharing with friends :)

The birthday cake... this was quite a feat... from crumbling cakes to frosting experiments... it was a late-night-labor-of-love... 
At least it turned out okay... tasted pretty good too ;)

Kieran digs in... mmm!
Sweet little boy ;)

Present time! A Little Mermaid bath toy set :)

"Look mom! HEATWAVE!!!" This toy was the theme for the entire party- Kieran was very excited to finally have his very own Heatwave Rescue Bot!!

Birthday celebration at KIM school... 
So focused...
Laying out the months of the year around the sun in preparation for the traditional Montessori celebration...

Kieran takes his symbolic trip around the sun- 4 times this year!

Such a big boy all of a sudden :)

Blowing out the sun (candle)! 
Sharing some memories of Kieran's past four years in his blog book with his KIMS classmtes :)

Lunch at KIMS- I had a little time before my next class so I enjoyed having lunch with Kieran and his KIMS friends ;)

"Moooom! No more pictures!"

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