Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spring 2013

It's been waaaaay too long since I lasted posted... been a very busy and exciting spring! School has kept me hopping with a large art club mural and end of the year activities. And on the home front, we have been rather preoccupied with our impending move... that's right... we are moving again! We decided to relocate back to Jefferson City to be closer to work and school for Kieran. After much debate, we came to the conclusion that because neither of us would probably seek work in Ashland or Columbia and that due to a lack of after school care, Kieran will need to attend school in Jeff there really is no good reason to stay here in Ashland. We will of course miss the close proximity to my folk's place, but other than that, there really isn't any good reason to stay half way between the two towns. This move will allow us more house and land and save us time and money in our daily activities... it just made sense. In any case, the next time I post I imagine it will be from our new digs in JC and I will be sure to post pics of the house then. For now, I am going to try to update the blog with a the sparse photos I do have from the past couple months...

Trying on mom's boots... it's a good look for him ;)
Action pose!

Camden came over for a day right before aster... the boys made their own mini pizzas and died eggs... lots of fun!

Best friends :)

Sharing a meal...

Time to dye eggs and color...

Very serious artists at work...

What beautiful results!

Easter at Aaron and Angie's place...
Attack of the Easter grass!

Kieran tried his hand at a knight-themed video game...

Easter at my folk's place...
Kieran loved his bunny basket- thanks Nana Jo!

One cool dude :)

The hunt is on!

Here an egg there an egg...

Everywhere an egg!

Papa joins the kiddos for Easter dinner on the floor...

Silly Papa!!

Time for bubbles...

A big one!!

Got you dad!!

Bath time clean up after all the Easter fun...

Lots of fun with cousin Presley :)

Presley's 4th birthday...

All the kids loved the party favors :)

Presley was pretty impressed with the princess cake I made her... my first attempt at fondant went surprisingly well.

The cousins read to each other (at the same time) during the party.

I want my cake here!

Balloons and a big box- perfect!

Best friends at a KIM school birthday party...

I love the Kieran is cutting his hot dog like this ;)

Hi guys!

So handsome with his new haircut ;)

Mustard on a dog... that's my boy!

Pignic (that's picnic ;) with Nora :)

Digging in the giant sand box...

Camden and Kieran worked hard to find "minerals" and fill that wheel barrel ;)

Awesome! A remote control car!

Love the stance...

Dinner in Daddy's lap...

Love my boys :)

KIM school fundraiser at the park... this kid refused to sit in the swing the correct way... looked so painful his way...
A KIMS friend giving Kieran a push...

Cousins swinging together :)



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