Monday, January 12, 2015


Kieran is really excited about the behavior chart at school- so he made one for the pets and Emerald. 

Emerald, Grace and Koshka were "off the chart" while Neko and Darby while on Red.

Emerald enjoyed her first trip to Alexander pumpkin patch this year.

Kieran "choosing out" a pumpkin.

This year there was also a corn maze- but mostly it was just a bunch of people stomping around in the corn.

Kieran's very first Book-It pizza! He was pretty excited!

A dry run in the highchair...


Emerald's first food... bananas and breast milk... 

Not too bad...

"Give me that bowl mom!"

We tried the "nummy pouch" with Emerald but so far she hasn't been very impressed.

Emerald's first time in a restaurant highchair- Chic Filet, of course ;)

Kieran shows Emerald how to run the Bat Computer...

Nana Jo bought us a piano we found on Craigslist

Now time for some lessons.

This year we tried out the Jefferson City pumpkin patch and it was a huge hit with Kieran.

A favorite activity was climbing on the giant hay bales.

Although she looks adorable in her green pouch- she just wasn't that into it... she prefers to be turned out and free to move about. This kid's gonna' be all over the place! 

Playing in the cotton bin!

Another favorite activity!

Hanging out in the hay maze.

He also loved the corn bin- too much fun!

Kieran was pretty proud of his Jack Skelington Scarecrow.

Hanging out at the sitters- and sitting up all by herself!

Happy half birthday Emerald! These first six months have been filled with so many sweet smiles, snuggles and love- you have completed our family perfectly :)

Big hugs from big brother :)

Nana and papa came to help us celebrate with Emerald.

And of course Nana Orange was there too :)

Kieran shows off his Thriller moves. BTW- he calls all werewolves "Thrillers" and wants to be one for next Halloween.

Nana Orange found the best treat of all- Cheeto skeletons! What stinky, messy fun ;)

Kieran's sidewalk art: "Cat Safety Rules"

This sad kitty must not have followed the rules ;)

Uncle Aaron with Emerald. 

Hanging out on a warm fall day at the McKees.

Impromptu leaf pile fun and photos!

Testing for his second stripe... big stuff!

A little skeleton art in my classroom.

Six month well baby... so chubby and sweet in just her diaper. 

Seriously- this kid could be the Gerber baby!

It was cowboy day at school- which is why Kieran is dressed as Woody ;)

She was all smiles the whole time- even after her shots.

Floor time for the kiddos

The super cool Jack Skelington costume, complete with floating Zero candy bag, daddy made.

Emerald was a Cabbage Patch Kid for Halloween... basically just a hat made the costume!

Have you ever seen a cuter Cabbage Patch Kid?


Trick or treating in the District

Ran into his "girlfriend" ;)

Mr. Cool

With the cool moves

After Columbia treats, we headed over to Camden's for some more Halloween fun

The kiddos out in our old hood ready for to score some good loot

After about half an hour they were all frozen and ready to call it a night- they finished off a perfect evening with a little Mario Cart ;)

Halloween party at the Daugherty's place- Rick was Roger Sterling...

and I was Joan.

Nana Jo and purple Halloween splender

Shannon teaching the kids the Thriller Dance- this was a big hit!

Showing off some karate moves

A little boy who has had a whole lot of sugar...
Roasting marshmallows 

Bright eyes going for a chilly walk  

Hunting for insects

Hiding in a tree

Carving a pumpkin

"Hey there!"

Construction time

Maxin' and relaxin' at West school

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