Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things of his father's...

These belonged to Rick when he was a baby... Do you see the giraffe buttons? Too cute! We also love the little stuffed guy- worn with lots of love. Although I am not a huge fan of cars... I can't help but love this little wind up car outfit- it's so funny how the pants button to the shirt!
The belts below are just awesome!!! Rick claims, "I never wore
the Micheal Jackson one much- sure, sure... now we all know! He remembers wearing the superhero ones a lot though- which I do not doubt! Hopefully little Kieran will be a superhero guy- just like dad and will wear these little belts too!

We also really liked these little green cord overalls with the fat duck heads- so sweet! We can't wait to try all of these out on our little man. Thank you to grandma Sandy for saving all of these treasures and for sharing them with us- it means a lot to Rick and me and I am sure Kieran will love them all too!

Ultrasound pics...

Here are two new ultrasound pics we had taken Monday... I can't really make sense of them- I guess it's easier to make out features in the earlier ones before baby starts adding muscle and fat mass. In any case it was still fun to see our little boy before he make his grand appearance next month! We have another appointment next week too- we will be sure to post those pics as well- maybe you all can make heads and tails of them (so to speak!)!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More from the showers...

Here are more pics from different showers Rick and I have enjoyed with family and friends... thank you again to everyone for your support and generosity- we are so lucky to have such great friends and family!