Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kieran in his pack-n-play

Kieran seems to be getting the hang of batting at Mr. Caterpillar... he's swinging like a real champ! Go Kieran!
We had a good day today... in addition to sleeping in the big boy swing for the first time, Kieran made it through a 3 mile walk and a stop at the library without melting down (with the help of his paci of course)! Way to go big man! There's hope yet that I don't have to be a prisioner in the house for the next year!

I speak wookie!

Kieran is beginning to enjoy his big-boy swing! He slept three hours in it today ( :
P.S. Thanks auntie Mandi for the cool onesie!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Drawing and painting of Kieran

A drawing and a watercolor I did of Kieran... gotta fill the times when he naps some how!

8 weeks old today!

Happy birthday big 8-week-old-boy!! Kieran looks huge next to his owl today and check out those chubby knees! Soooo sweet! He sports his adorable Eeyore suit, curiosity of grandma D! He spent his birthday swinging at toys in his bassienete, napping with mom and going for an icecream with mom and dad, all-in-all a good day ( :

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kieran speaks- sort of!

Our Parents As Teachers lady- Alla- suggested we try hanging things down by Kieran's hands and feet so that he could feel them and begin to move them- even if by accident... seems he likes the idea too!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Whiskey Tango and Geek!

Check out the fun duds from Auntie Mandy! Too cute! Oh- and I think Kieran laughed for the first time today... daddy was entertaining him with the blue-elephant and he let loose with a little giggle- sooo sweet! Gotta get that on video!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Looking at the stars

Kieran enjoys viewing the stars in what has turned out to be a very fancy changing table as he refuses to sleep in his mini-pack-in-play! Silly baby!

Around the house at 7.5 weeks

Kieran shows off his superior upper body strength during a tummy-time session! Go Big-Boy! We also tested out the Bumbo, but I don't think we are quite ready for sitting up just yet...