Friday, November 25, 2011

It's beginning to look a little like Christmas...

We decided to join the crowd and go ahead and get our home ready for Christmas this Thanksgiving weekend. Rick put up the outdoor decor yesterday and we got our tree today. We took Kieran to Timberview Christmas Tree Farm this year for the whole tree-farm experience. From the hay ride to the cutting of the tree to the hot apple cider- Kieran loved the entire experience- even if we ended up with a pine rather than my preferred fir tree ;)
Speaking of holiday traditions, I tried out a new one for me this year, Black Friday shopping. Lori and I were out last night from 9 pm till 5:30 am this morning with all the other crazed consumers... shopping, shopping, shopping! We waited in a near two hour line to get into Toys R Us and an equally  long line to check out at Target... it was nuts and exhausting, but pretty fun actually. Not sure I will do it again though ;)

Preparing to embark on the great tree-hunt!

"Hmmm... which tree will it be Kieran?"
"That one mom!"

Dad and Kieran work together to cut down our perfect tree- "TIMBER!"

"Missed a spot here, dad!"

Kieran "helping push" the tree from the very edge of the field- of course we had to have the tree furthest from the road ;)

While waiting for the trailer, Kieran entertained himself...

Our little "thinker" ;)

Helping dad tie the tree to the roof of the trusty Vibe...

Action pose!

Unveiling our new home's first tree- drum roll please!

"Who, me?"

The finished product- with Kieran and Koshka.

Neko got in on the action too.

Inspecting the tree... looks good! Bring on the Christmas!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving at KIM School!

Kieran's newest piece of art. I never thought I would like the cheesy hand print turkey until I saw Kieran's tiny little turkey hand... and now of course I think it's the most adorable thing ever!

Kieran missed the last two day of school before the Thanksgiving break because he has had some pretty serious diarrhea. Otherwise he seemed fine, no fever or vomiting, eating and acting normally- but because of the mess we kept him home. On Tuesday Kiearn was doing better and so Rick took him into KIM for their annual Thanksgiving Feast. From the photos Rick took, it looks like it's a pretty big affair ;) Each family brought in a part of the meal and then the teachers and children spent the morning helping to prepare their special lunch.

Kieran is sitting next to one of his friends, William- I love that they put their napkins in their laps :)

Kieran's place card- how adorable is that?!

Look at that south-paw use his fork like a big boy!

Mmmm- apple juice!

A cheesy smile ;)

Kieran's first experience with pumpkin pie- he liked the whipping cream the best!

Getting ready to go outside...

Filing out to the playground...

This is Kieran's friend Camden. We just found out that Cameden's family will be moving in the house kitty corner to ours in Ashland! Kieran will be so excited to have a friend living next door- yay for playdates!

Hoo-ray for merry-go-rounds!

Following the leader :)

My mom and sister ordered some more pics from our October photo session...
LOVE this one ;)

Presley the nature loving princess ;)