Monday, July 30, 2012

Birthdays, bugs, parks and toads!

We spent Saturday afternoon with Uncle Aaron's family for Brayden's 10th birthday. Kieran was very excited to watch the presents being opened and eat cake!

"Hoo-ray for birthdays!"

Kieran shows off his sweet ninja moves with Brayden's new sword ;)

Daddy gets in the mix, dueling with Jaaron... "Have you taken fencing Uncle Rick?!"

Brayden shows Kieran how the new GIANT super-soaker works... so much for no guns ;)

When Kieran held it, this things looked like a missile-launcher!

He had so much fun playing with this 'bubble-gun".

Kieran made a new friend at Cosmo park today- this is Carly.

Down the slide...

Pushing his frog backpack...

Shoe off!

Rick discovered a visitor in our flower bed last night- so cute :)

Despite the lack of green grass, we have noticed dozens of large grasshoppers this summer in our yard- we decided to capture some and keep them for a while in the now defunct caterpillar cage.

Kieran is pretty impressed with his new pets- we fed them carrots and lettuce... apparently they are strictly herbivores.

Kieran decided he wanted to watch a show about insects after his grasshopper collection.