Saturday, March 7, 2009

Damn you Magic 8 Ball!

So... no sign of Kieran this morning... although lots more fun MP! Feeling crampy but still no "real" contractions... at least I don't think so. Everyone says, "Oh, you'll know..." Sounds rather ominous, don't you think?!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Status update and the giant butterfly...

So that sweet little butterfly tattoo I got when I was like 16 isn't so sweet anymore- in fact it is rather gargantuan! Here's hoping it returns to its normal size and the belly too!
On the baby front... I am now at just about 3 cm and my doctor did some procedure called "sweeping of the membranes" on Thursday- guess it's supposed to move things along... I would say that it has done something- even if we are still pregnant- as I have experienced more and stronger braxton hicks and have begun to loose the mucus plug (very gross- I know) since then. But still- Kieran must not be ready for prime time- not just yet anyway! Suddenly- however, I am ready. Pregnancy has been a lot of fun but now that I know labor could happen any time now, I want it to happen RIGHT NOW! Patience has never been my strong suite! See you soon little man...
PS I just asked the Magic 8 Ball if Kieran would come tonight- it said "unfortunately yes"- maybe bad timing (my sister is having her shower tomorrow) but I am ready! Let's do this thing Magic 8 Ball!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The belly at 38 weeks...

Here it is folks- in all its stretched glory- the belly at 38 weeks and counting!
At our last OB appointment we were rather shocked to discover that labor has already begun- at least some of the steps that lead up to it... as of last Tuesday, I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced! You should have seen the look on Rick's face when he heard that!
Lately, I have noticed an increase in braxton hicks contractions and some cramping and just a general sense that something is going on in there! We will be sure to keep you all posted... on all the most recent belly happenings!