Thursday, June 30, 2011

Late June

Kieran enjoying some breakfast whilst wearing his Thomas shirt, conductor cap and holding a "ticket" which is actual a flyer that came out of his nature magazine. Don't you love his face? So much attitude already!

Reading to Kieran from his monthly conservation book... notice he still has his "ticket" in hand.

Another Friday morning spent at Flipz gym- this time with Papa and cousin Presley. Here Kieran is making train tracks and a tunnel with some of the foam cubes out of the "pit".

Presley really liked Flipz (first time there) and had a great time running around and rolling in the cubes!

Papa and Kieran playing trains- of course- what else is there?

Here is Kieran with his new haircut- which apperently aged him 12 years to become a surly teenager throwing up gang signs...

Another teen moment- "NO Mommy!"

Ahh- there's the sweet baby I know and love :)
This first full month of summer has been so much fun and it's even better now that Rick is done with summer camps and can be home with us all day! We've spent a lot more time outside on the deck splashing in the pool and driving trains around the table. Kieran got a new summer haircut today- auntie Shannon used the clippers for the first time and Kieran actually did very well with them- wasn't afraid at all- although they did tickle some. However, he wasn't too keen on the tiny bits of hair down his shirt and all over his face and neck. Although I think the new cut is very cute- it is a bit sad as he looks like a big boy all of a sudden.
On another note- Kieran's new favorite saying is, "STOP IT TREES!!" Which he says whenever something doesn't go his way such as a train derails on the tracks or he stubs his toe. Seemingly very random although there is a sliver of logic to it... He confuses trees and wind and the wind has been the source of some frustration recently as we have had our windows open and the incoming breeze occasionally knocks over a precariously perched train or toy upsetting our fragile little boy. So now when ever something annoying happens Kieran blames the trees and will run to the window and yell, "STOP IT TREES!!' Very funny stuff ;)