Sunday, August 29, 2010

End of August updates...

Greetings and salutations friends and family! It has been a while since I updated our blog. A lot has happened recently and I want to be sure to record it all before it has slipped through my swiss cheese brain- so here goes...

Rick and I started back to work on the 10th and the students returned on the 17th. Kieran is preparing for his third week of daycare and all seems to be going well so far. He is spending the school days with Tori, a PTA mom and new friend who lives a few houses down from West. She has three children of her own, Lottie (a 1st grader at West) and her nearly four year old twins- Luke and Spencer.In another life she was a nurse, but has been a stay-at-home (lucky lady) for the past seven years or so. Her husband works from home and so Kieran gets to spend his days away from mommy and daddy with an entire surrogate family!

The first few days back to daycare were a bit rough for all of us- especially the drop-off (mommy get's to do both drop-off and pick-up now). Good-byes are a double wammy for Kieran as Tori brings him with her to West when she drops Lottie off- which means KP gets to see mommy but then has to say good-bye for a second time. This was hard at first (for everyone) but he has been doing wonderfully of late and doesn't shed a tear when it's time to part ways for the day.

One of the best parts of Kieran's new daycare setting is that he gets to spend time with other children. Kieran has never been much for sharing but ever since he has had to share with Tori's children, he has improved in leaps and bounds. He brings toys to other children now- including his cousin Presley and doesn't seem to mind others playing with toys he's not using. We are so thankful for this new skill- it makes any outing that involves other children so much easier! Another big developmental leap is that Kieran now sits very well at a table (sans highchair) for his meals and even tries to use utensils! Tori feeds him very nutritious and diverse meals and we are always surprised and impressed to hear what our little boy has eaten for Tori- brussel sprouts and eggs come to mind!

Sadly, this month, Rick's maternal grandmother passed away. She had Alzheimer for some time now and had not been well. Rick, Kieran and I attended her funeral in St. Charles. Although it was a very sad and somber day, it was also one filled with love, family and friends. It was very nice to spend some time with Rick's mother, brothers, aunt and uncle. Kieran was in good spirits, but he refused to be quiet or still. Thankfully, the church where the service was held had a cry/play room so hopefully we weren't too much of a distraction. I hope to see all our family again soon, and under happier circumstances.

Finally, on a more uplifting note, we are pleased to announce that our house is under-contract! A lovely young family made us an offer, we countered and they accepted. If all goes well, we will close October 15th. Of course we still have the inspection to survive- but we are hopeful that this is the one and that soon we will be ready to begin construction on our new home! We met with our contractor this weekend and have hammered out some general ideas for floor plans and exterior appearance. As we move along in the process, we will be sure to share on the blog.

Here is a short video of Kieran helping prepare for yet another open house... he loves to swiffer and  sweep!

Kieran has discovered the joys of tape- and apparently so has Gracie!

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